In the Bible, the word heart is used to describe the core, or control center, of a person. The heart includes your thoughts, emotions, desires, and choices. While made to function as an integrated and connected whole, in humanity’s fall, our hearts became fragmented, disintegrated, separated and divided. As a result, all of our relationships are marked by brokenness – our relationship with God, with other people, with creation, and even with ourselves. (Genesis 1-3)

What does it look like?
Wholehearted life in Jesus is the lifelong process of our thoughts, emotions, desires, and choices uniting through the cross to find our deepest longings and greatest hopes satisfied in Jesus alone (Psalm 86:11). This kind of life is expressed through the following four characteristics:
Renewed Mind
As God makes Himself known to us through the written and Living Word, we are continually transformed by replacing the lies we believe with the truth He reveals.
Healthy Relationships
As our inner being is made whole through faith in Jesus, and through the continual integration of thoughts, emotions, desires and choices, we begin to relate to God, others and ourselves with our whole hearts, leading to health in relationships
Satisfied Soul
As we turn from the things of this world and turn to Jesus to satisfy our desires, we discover that what we long for most deeply is most fully satisfied in Him.
Active Faith
As God speaks to us, we hear and we act – living out what we believe through immediate and tangible steps of obedience.